This Tuesday, November 30th marked 15 weeks, the baby is five days ahead in growth so today the baby would measure 16 weeks. For due date purposes we of course are going off of the baby's size. I got through all of November with no complications and everything is going great. The only issue lately is that I have had a headache since Sunday, November 28th and I believe it is due to sinus issues. Just to be safe I was told to rest and will be going to my ENT today to get checked out. I am hopeful with some medication I can finally get rid of the headache, pressure, and feel somewhat clear headed.
I do not like certain foods right now, like seafood or chicken, and smells get to me really easily. I am still experiencing the wonderful thing called morning sickness and I hope it goes away soon! I can feel the baby move, and sometimes it likes to push on certain parts and create a sharp pain. Ray rented a Doppler and we are able to hear the heartbeat at home. Emma loves to help with this and thinks it is a ton of fun : )
Emma is doing great! She is patting the baby bump and saying baby now. We look forward to sharing all of our experiences with her and making her feel important and included in all that we do in the next five months to prepare for the baby. For those of you who have asked and are curious, we do not know the gender of the baby yet. We hope to find out before Christmas, but we are not in any rush. We only hope for a healthy child and do not have a preference for gender.
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