Ray was supposed to work today but managed to get the first half of the day off. So he woke up early with Emma and prepared breakfast for me and served it to me in bed!

My girl was all smiles and wanting to sit next to me as I enjoyed the feast that she helped her Daddy make for me on this very special day. I'll take all the bad bedhead in the world to be greeted by such happiness every day.

We started off in the bed but moved to the living room floor so that we could eat pick nick style and I could feed Emma some yogurt for breakfast.

Me and Ray trying to get a shot of us together. It is not often where we find the time or chance to get a picture of all three of us any more.

Emma dressed and ready to run some errands with Mommy and Daddy. We went and bought me some plants and other things that I wanted for the yard. Swung by Jason's Deli to pick up lunch and eat at home.

When we arrived home the flowers were waiting for me. The ones on the left are from Ray and the ones on the right are Larkspur (Emma's birth flower) and they are from Emma.

This is a handmade block with Emma's hand prints, name, and year on it for my garden. She also made me my mothers day card by herself. What 9 1/2 month old do you know who is this talented! Well she did have her helper with her. Ray is the greatest DAD!

Emma getting ready to take me out to dinner at Excel in North Gate with her Daddy.

We enjoyed a lovely dinner together as a family. Everyone loved Emma and commented on how precious and adorable she looked.

I want to give a big thanks to my wonderful husband and darling daughter. They made my weekend the best celebration I could ever ask for. Being a mother is the most important and rewarding role I have ever been blessed to have in my life.