We are very excited and feel blessed to have gotten this far! We have seen how wonderful God is and continue to be grateful and follow his path faithfully. We went to the doctor on Thursday for our weekly visit. Abigail had a strong heartbeat and my belly measured 40 weeks! The doctor says there is still a possibility that she could come before her scheduled c-section, which is May 16th.
One of the many reasons why I have taken the next two weeks off from work is the possibility of Abigail coming before her scheduled c-section. I have already had to leave work multiple times due to contractions, to be placed on bed rest, or to be sent to the hospital to be monitored. I would rather not have something happen in such a public setting. Other reasons for taking the next two weeks off are to relax, enjoy my pregnancy, give my family some quality bonding time, finish preparing for the arrival of Abigail, and to try and get to some physical therapy on my lower back where they place the epidural, I have had back issues for years now and it just happens to be in the same spot where they need to place my pain block.
Now we will try and wait patiently for Abigail to make an appearance. We appreciate all of the thoughts, prayers, and support that we have received from family and friends. Please continue to send those prayers, thoughts, and support our way as we anticipate the arrival of our newest little girl.