Thursday, April 21, 2011

35 Weeks 5 Days Abigail Update

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We went to our doctor appointment today and all went well! We had an ultrasound today and got to see Abigail again, which Ray and I both loved. Abigail is one beautiful little girl, it seems already that she might have her Daddy's nose. She still has a really strong heartbeat, tries to shield her face from exposure when having an ultrasound, and is still ahead in schedule for her growth.

The technician took several measurements of her head, belly, and leg bone to get as accurate as she could in giving us some data for our doctor. Based on the measurements, Abigail is measuring to be 38 weeks and 5 days today! Abigail is in the 90th percentile for her growth compared to other babies at this point in gestation. She is following in her big sister's footsteps already, and we are expecting another tall littler girl! Abby's estimated weight at today's appointment is 7lbs 6oz. This estimation is based off of the multiple measurements that were taken. There is still plenty of fluid surrounding her to indicate she is comfortable and doing all the normal baby things she should be doing at this point. She was doing some great abdominal exercises, which we were told is an indication, along with all the hiccups, that she is strengthening her lungs. My belly measurement came in at 39 weeks and all of my tests came back good today.

The doctor said that she can come when she wants, but we will keep our original date in May to reserve our spot in case she decides to wait for three weeks. Our approach will be one day at a time and to wait for her to let us know she is ready to be held in our arms.

Now to try and be patient!! - Not my strongest quality : )

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