Us with Emma after going Trick or Treating on our street. We were so excited to celebrate this day with her. We decorated the inside and outside of the house, dressed her up every day this week, and put a pumpkin nightlight in her room!
Ray carrying Emma at the end of us trick or treating. We loved her bag that Nana gave her to use for the occasion, too bad we don't have it anymore, it disappeared off the front porch when we brought her inside.
Emma's first house and selecting her first piece of candy, she went for a chocolate Milky Way.
Me and Emma getting ready to set out to go trick or treating! I love this picture of us!
Nana, Poppa, Emma, and me getting ready to go and take family pictures. My face is so red from trying to run around to gather what we needed for our girl's outfit changes, she had 3 in all.