Thursday, March 17, 2011

30 Weeks 5 Days Pregnant with Abigail

We saw this cross and it reminded us of Abigail so we picked it up and it hangs above her closet. She already has a cross that hangs above the door to her bedroom and a cross that hangs next to her bed. Ray has been off this Spring Break, so he has been working really hard getting things ready for when we get to bring her home.

One of the many things that Ray worked on was getting her closet organized and her clothing sorted and hung for us to select. Abigail's diaper bag is also packed and prepared for our big day when we get to welcome her into this world.

Ray even used his super skills with duct tape to fix the hanging bar in her closet since we figured out we were missing a piece and searched the entire area for it to no avail.

Ray hung all of the items you see, including the curtains at the window. I can honestly say my husband takes pride in the fact that he is having another little girl and wants every aspect of her room to be just right.

We have her changing table ready with diapers and wipes, along with her lamp, and Ray took about an hour organizing all of the cabinets and items underneath for easy access.

Abigail's crib is all put together, her laundry basket is ready to catch her dirty bibs, and her name is shining above to announce to all who it is that rests her head below.

Abigail's accents in her room are angels, butterflies, and lambs. If you notice on the cross above it has both butterflies and lambs on it. Also, as you look at this picture you can see that Ray has already hung her growth chart, getting ready to mark her length for birth when we bring her home.

We went to the doctor today and had our checkup and everything is going great! She is growing, her heartbeat is strong, and my belly measurement was 32 weeks. We are still measuring about 2 weeks ahead of schedule. Dr. Gayle did say that the reason I measured a bit bigger, 33 weeks at my previous appointment, was due to water retention, which I have been noticing with swelling in my hands. He also mentioned that as long as we stayed 2 weeks ahead we were good, but any bigger and he would order another ultrasound. Our next appointment is on Ray's birthday, and that is one sweet gift for him!

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