Abigail's 1st experience in her car seat was the day we took her home. She did not like the strapping in part, but really enjoyed the ride home and easily settled down and fell asleep. 5/7/11

Abigail sleeping in her bassinet in our room with her little Boppy. She has a mild case of acid reflux, so after feeding she needs to be elevated for a short period of time, and she feel asleep like this all on her own. 5/11/11

Abigail sitting in her swing for the first time. She really enjoyed the swaying of it and we will play all the interactive parts for her as she gets a bit older. She has really been awake and taking in her surroundings lately. 5/9/11

Abigail sleeping in her bassinet in our room. She is a really good sleeper and can go for up to 4 hours without waking. She has already proven that she can sleep through all the noise her big sister makes. 5/7/11

Abigail laying on our big bed stretching out for the first time. Now that she is out she can really relax and all 21 1/2 inches of her can have the freedom of movement. 5/7/11

Abigail's favorite item to use so far is her bouncer. She loves the vibrations and will settle into it and chill out for a while. 5/11/11
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