Saturday, February 12, 2011

26 Weeks Pregnant with Abigail

Two more weeks left in my second trimester! We feel so excited and blessed to be this far after all the issues we experienced in January. I am getting sleepy again in this stage of pregnancy, something that did not happen with Emma. So I really enjoy taking those weekend naps with Emma for 2 hours, they help me get through the rest of my day. I do seem to final getting some energy back but it is in spurts, but when they hit I am able to accomplish many chores and tasks around the house. I am still experiencing Braxton Hicks contractions, a bit of lower back pain, and sleep is not always the best quality.

The wonderful things that we are experiencing and giving thanks for is that Abigail continues to grow, move, and make her presence known. Emma enjoys patting the belly saying "baby, Abby, sister" or a combination of the words together. Ray makes sure to talk to Abigail on a daily basis. He will share sports reports on the Aggies, talk to her about his day, ask her about her day, and give himself that time to create that bond between himself and his daughter. Emma is still her Daddy's assistant when we listen to the heartbeat. She feels included and face lights up with a bright smile every time she helps her Daddy.

Abigail during this week will measure a bit more than 10 inches from crown to rump. She will be weighing in at around 2 pounds and at this stage her development will be steady and she will start to open and close her eyes this week! Also during this week her heart is pumping more blood into her body, her lungs are getting stronger, and she will continue to practice her breathing for her big day to come in May.

At this stage at home we are getting ready to have our carpets cleaned so that we can have them disinfected and treated before we start preparing her nursery. We have started to sort some items and divide others between Emma and Abby. We have also completed our registration at the hospital, filled paper work, and gather other paper work for they CryoCell blood cord procedure that we will have done when Abby is born. We have also already scheduled her baptism for August and are now searching for the right dress.

Things that we continue to look forward are the next appointment where we get to see Abigail on the ultrasound and see how much she has grown in the last month. We also are looking forward to some formal pictures that we will take as a family and other little special things that we will do or purchase to help celebrate the coming of our new little girl in May.

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