Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Our Busy Life

Ray and I both really enjoy our jobs, but mine comes with a forty minute drive one way so it takes away an hour or two from my day that I could be using to update our website or loving on my family : (

Not to mention this drive has increased our monthly gas bill, increased the frequency of oil changes, I had to have a tire fixed twice, had to buy a new tire, and I now have a chip in my windshield : (
But I have been blessed with a wonderful working environment and a job I have enjoyed.

Ray has meetings he must attend after work four times a month and the girls still do not like this (me either.) We always want him to be home with us and the girls do not like to share their Dada's time with others lol. They do not understand where he is, other than he should be home with them, but luckily when he is at the City Council meetings the girls get to watch him on t.v. and that has helped a bit.

When we are not working we are trying to spend as much time with our girls as possible. Both of our girls love going to the park so we are trying to take them as often as the weather will allow us. We are taking them as often as we can as a family to build those memories and bond together. The girls also enjoy riding their bikes, jeep, flying their kite, and going for walks. We enjoy all of these activities at the park and it does not cost us anything.

Pool time is also something we have tried to increase and will increase as a family, be it in the community pool (really big water park), kids pool in the yard, or the splash pad at the park. All of the different varieties of water fun offered in our community give our girls a ton of fun and many of them are free, so we are trying to increase the girls exposure to them and enjoy them together as a family.

Just a little peek into what we have been doing lately.

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