Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Grateful for Gods Blessings

Being exposed to so many things is a constant reminder by God that I have so much to be grateful for. As events occur around us, some so heartbreaking, others mind-numbing, these events makes you so much more aware of what you have.

I am grateful that I have a loving and supportive husband.

I am grateful and Blessed that my husband is such a wonderful and loving father.

I am grateful that I have two beautiful daughters that I get to go home to every day and see the smiles light up their face as they run to greet me at the door.

I am grateful that my girls have such loving and giving grandparents. They do anything and everything they can for our girls.

The list could continue for many more lines... but I do not have the time to write a book at the moment. I hope this inspires others to share what they are grateful for.

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