Since we found out that we are having a girl my water bill has burst! We have sorted through all the girl stuff we already have. We even separated by size and season. Then the washing began.
I never mind doing laundry but trying to figure out what to hang, how to hang it, and where to place it was bit overwhelming at first.
Nana came in to help us with it for the weekend. She was really a huge help! Ray was also a super star of this operation. He was such a wonderful help through the entire process. He really took charge and worked out the system on how to best accomplish what we needed to do.
I was in awe of my husband sitting in the middle of our bed surrounded by mounds of pink baby clothing placing matching caps with sleepers and mating the tiny socks. I thought I took a picture, but maybe my wonderful hubby wanted to avoid its publication so its M.I.A. right now.
I thought by the time we were through with the laundry my eye would twitch at the sound of the dryer going off. This did prove to be a great bonding time for us and we talked about all types of parenting concerns when it came to clothing, diapers, baths, etc.... So even though I might twitch when the dryer goes off, it really was a great time!
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