Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Emma Update

Emma playing with her toy dog that Cesily and Jason Peeples bought her when she was one.

Emma showing off her necklace that she made at school.

Emma is doing very well and I can't believe that she will be 5 in 6 months! She is growing in leaps and bounds. She has hit a bit of a growth spurt and is in a size 6x - 7 (more 7 really) due to her height. Emma loves to be outside playing, she asks to go to the park all the time. We recently moved and she now has a driveway to ride her bike, scooter, and we have half an acre for her to drive her jeep. So we plan on many days of outside play as soon as the weather warms up a bit. Emma is enjoying her school and even asks to do homework! Love this and hope the trend continues throughout her educational career.

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