Wednesday, June 26, 2013

What I learned from Ray's Trip to N. C.

The shirts that Ray picked up for the girls while he was in North Carolina

Well Ray had to go to N. C. for work and was gone from 6/15 - 6/20.  To say the least I was not looking forward to the separation, nor were our girls, but we got through it. Things always seem to happen when Ray goes out of town and I have now banned him from leaving unless we go with him :)

* I learned that I can handle it all on my own with my preschooler and toddler when Ray must go out of town. But I would rather not...

* I learned to keep myself busy so the time goes by faster and the countdown to his return is not so bad...

* I learned that to keep the girls happy was to structure each day where they did something a little special like coloring, painting, creating sun catchers, playing outside, etc...

* I learned that the girls really, REALLY do not like being separated from their Dada, resulting in one of them not wanting to eat, and both not wanting to take their naps...

* I also learned that I can handle when I have to make calls and do what needs to happen when someone hits my car and does not step up and take responsibility, did I mention the car was parked outside the house!

* I learned most of all that life is so much better when you have the love of your life next to you and not multiple states away.

The girls and I did have some sweet moments just the three of us, but we prefer our moments to include Dada.

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