Monday, August 16, 2010

Family Dinners

We try to eat all of our meals in the dinning room as a family and to say Grace before every meal. Sometimes we try and make them extra special, then others we get so caught up we have to slow down and remember to give thanks. But I believe the effort we put in place to make time for us as a family and to do these little things are so important to raising our daughter with the right values, beliefs, and family bonding.

As a part of these efforts for this upcoming Holiday Season, Ray and I will be putting our focus on quality family time. We want Emma to have the memories that we have as a child of playing games, telling stories, learning to cook, and creating those memories that she can look back on when she is older. We did not have computers, cell phones, or the many other gadgets that many people toy around with today when we were growing up. So this Holiday Season we will be limiting our use of those things to put our focus on creating those family memories that Emma can look back on and tell her kids about one day.

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