This 4th of July we went to Baytown and spent the weekend at the Pheris house and I got to spend some quality time with my sister, niece Perla, and nephew Zeth. Perla giving her cousin Emma a kiss, being held by her Aunt Lulu.

Sitting around the table enjoying some of the great food that my brother-n-law Eric made for us to eat. He is a great cook.

Play time in the living room and Nana and Poppa's house. The couch is missing due to our dog and their dogs overuse. It had to be put out in the yard. It really had seen better times. I can smile about it now, but it was no so funny during our celebration.

Learning to share is something that we are working on. During this play time my nephew Zeth told them to "Share and Care" I thought is was adorable.

Getting loved on by her Aunt Lulu. She had just woken up from her nap.

Perla opening her birthday gift from us. Celebrating a little early since we could not attend later in the month.

Giving Zeth his treat and getting him a head start on supplies for the upcoming school year.

Emma sleeping her her Daddy's arms. Getting all rested for the celebration and family who came to visit.

This is the dress that Emma's Great Aunt Shirley sent her to wear for the 4th of July. Emma was adorable. She had three different outfits to wear. We had a great time with all the family that came by on the 4th at the Pheris house. Just wish we could have seen more, but it was still a treat to see the ones that did show up. Hope to get together more often!
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