Saturday, September 5, 2015

Abby's First School Project

Abby came home from the first day of school with a project assignment. She was to create a poster of things that she like and that described her. This project was due on August 31st, Nana's birthday. So to help celebrate Nana we used all of the scrap booking supplies she had that Poppa gave to the girls. As you can see tons of pink was used, this being Nana's signature color and Abby's favorite color. Of course we had to use as much bling as possible and show off how much she likes tiaras, princesses, playing outside, as well as her love for her Poppa and steak!

Abby is really enjoying school, riding on the bus, getting to be with Emma, and we are enjoying the fact that her and Emma are at the same place at the same time, she has more structure and is being prepared by some really wonderful teachers for what school is really like.

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