Monday, October 13, 2014

ACL - Emma and Abby's First Concert

The girls attend their first concert and had a blast! We took them with us to ACL and we are happy to say they loved it! Our girls got their were allowed to color their hair for the first time. Emma of course got purple and Emma got pink, they also did a little shopping and got some flower hair bands and of course the flowers for Emma's were purple and Abby's were pink. The girls ran around, danced, played, and laid back and enjoyed the music. While staying at the hotel the girls got to go swimming twice and enjoyed the hot tub twice - with the hot tub experience being a first for them. Both girls got to ride a big bus together for the first time, Emma get the experience of the big yellow bus for school, so Abby really enjoyed her experience riding a bus for the first time.Both girls also got to DJ for the first time and they really enjoyed it. We were able to video them doing it and the guys running the booth emailed Ray the song.

Ray and I really enjoyed watching them enjoy themselves and share in the experience of them getting to see and hear Pearl Jam for the first time. The girls we the delight of many individuals who walked by and said hi to them, waved to them, and mentioned to us how cute they were.

We look forward to future experiences with our girls.

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